To meet public interests and to assure effective cross-border programmes and projects implementation, to spread out widely information about possibility to apply for the European Union financial support and to develop administrative capacities of potential beneficiaries.
Leading international competence centre in Lithuania, ensuring qualitative administration of all cross-border Programmes, managed by the Ministry of the Interior.
Public entity Project Management Agency of the Ministry of Interior was established in 2004. It performs functions of the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg V-A and Interreg VI-A Lithuania–Poland Cross Border Cooperation Programmes as well as the Joint Technical Secretariat function of 2014-2020 European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programmes. The role of the Managing Authority of all mentioned Programmes is assigned to the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.
Public entity Project Management Agency of the Ministry of Interior is also hosting the branch offices of the Interreg VI-A Latvia-Lithuania, Interreg South Baltic and URBACT Programmes.
Public entity Project Management Agency of the Ministry of Interior is based in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Last updated: 20-11-2024